Photographic meetings – Arles 2023
During the opening week of the Photographic Meetings, the Fondation des Treilles sets up shop in Arles. From July 4 to 8, 2023, join us at 6, place Louis Blanc to discover the Residency Prize for Photography, the Escourbiac Prize -
June 2023
Agenda Seminars and residential studies Chromosome regulation and epigenetics - Seminar organised by Jérôme Déjardin from June 5 to 10. Genomes supposedly contain all information supporting living organisms. However, how genomes are interpreted, regulated, maintained, or evolve and respond to environmental cues remain crucial questions. This
Miserere exhibition
The opening of the Miserere exhibition, Georges Rouault's masterpiece, will take place at the abbey of La Celle, in the Var. Exhibition from May 13 to September 17, 2023 Free admission The abbey of La Celle hosts a set of 58
May 2023
Agenda Seminars and residential studies Cancer Immunotherapy - Seminar organized by Antonio Coutinho from 8th to 13th of May. The latest advances in cancer immunotherapy will be discussed. Several questions will be asked : how does the immune system detect and eliminate tumor
March 2023
Agenda Seminars and residential studies Women's Europe : from caves to the enlightenment age - Seminar organized by Sophie Lalanne from March 13 to 18. "L'Europe des femmes" is a collective enterprise born within the Mnémosyne association. The aim is to make accessible to a
Press release – 10 February 2023
The Fondation des Treilles Photography Residency Prize aims to help create photographic works on the theme of the Mediterranean. Created in 2011, this prize is endowed with €2,650 per month plus a month's residence at the Domaine des Treilles in the
February 2023
Agenda Projet européen ECO, pour “European concepts online organized by Thomas Serrier, Kornelia Konczal & Valérie Rosoux. This project - a declared tribute to Umberto Eco - wants to show the conditions of possibility of a European space by reflecting on the barriers
The Photography Prize laureates exhibition
Initial LABO and the Fondation des Treilles are pleased to invite you on February 9, 2023 from 6 p.m. to the opening of the exhibition dedicated to the Photography Prize of the Fondation des Treilles, within the Initial LABO gallery.
January 2023
Agenda The photography Jury For its 12th edition, the photography jury, chaired by Jean-Luc Monterosso, will meet at the end of January to sort the candidates' files and designate the 2023 winners of the Photography Prize and the Escourbiac-Fondation des Treilles Prize.
December 2022
Agenda This month we are making a break in order to prepare the 2023 activities. Residencies Author's Residency Prize : Beata Umubyeyi Mairesse Let's come back to Beata's reading session at the Draguignan media library on November 19, 2022. Her residency project : the convoy In the book