Pins bleus et herbes jaunes © Dominique Laugé


  -  Research

Each year, from March to November, the Fondation des Treilles organises several seminars whose structure has been naturally determined by the missions of the Foundation:

  • an original theme,
  • a number of participants limited to 15 people, in order to facilitate informal discussions, and a composition involving senior and junior researchers,
  • a relatively short time (Monday to Saturday) compatible with the hope that each participant stays throughout the conference,
  • a program leaving plenty of time for questions and discussions.

The Foundation welcomes scholars, authors, and musicians for research workshops (5 to 15 people) during 6 days, or residential studies for individual or in small groups for 1 to 3 weeks. Experience has shown that meals taken together with participants of seminars or other residents stimulate exchange and thus are of great value to all.

Les Treilles contributes to young researchers’ studies by awarding some 30 annual prizes which will assist doctoral students to complete a thesis of exceptional quality or help young graduates return to, or remain in, France.

Regarding the André Gide-Jean Schlumberger Centre, the Fondation Catherine Gide and the Fondation des Treilles created the Archives prize, whose laureates are welcomed on the estate. Other researchers wishing to consult the Centre library are also welcome.