Blés © Dominique Laugé

The Young Researcher Prize

  -    -  The Young Researcher Prize

Each year, the Fondation des Treilles awards a “Young Researcher” prize to French or foreign researchers at the end of their thesis and to post-doctoral students carrying out their research in France. This prize is open to all disciplines.

General principles of awarding prizes

For all candidates :

    • Candidates must be under 35 years of age on 1 November 2024
    • Candidates may apply only once.
    • The application can be written in French or English (other languages are not allowed)

For doctoral students:

    • Candidates must be registered in a French university or in co-supervision, in their 3rd, 4th or 5th year for the academic year 2024-2025.
    • Candidates must not have defended their thesis by 31 December of the year of application.

For post-doctoral fellows:

At the time of application, candidates must be attached to a research laboratory in France.


To apply to the “Young Researcher” prize, candidates must follow the 3 following steps:

1- Fill in the online form before midnight on 31 October 2024

2- Send their application in PDF format only and in a single file to before midnight on 31 October 2024. The file must include :

– a curriculum vitae

– a list of publications

– a summary of the research project (about 20 lines)

– a detailed presentation of the current research project (3 to 5 pages) including a review of the question, an argued project of your research, the methodology used, the topicality of the subject studied and all elements allowing to appreciate the degree of progress of your research

– two letters of recommendation from scientific personalities, at least one of whom must be from outside the thesis directorate or the host laboratory, who know you and are likely to give an assessment of your work

– for doctoral students, the certificate of registration of the thesis’ subject delivered through the “application Step” via the institution where you are defending your thesis, including the date of your first registration, or a certificate of administrative registration in the thesis delivered by the research services, also including the date of this first registration

– for post-doctoral students, a letter from the head of your laboratory certifying that you are being hosted in the laboratory

– a photocopy of your identity card

Any incomplete application or application received after the deadline will not be considered. Application files will not be returned.

To know when to send your application, please refer to application deadlines.


The amount of the prize varies from €5,000 to €12,000, depending on the number of doctoral and post-doctoral laureates.

The prize is strictly nominative. It cannot be paid to a research laboratory or any other public or private structure. The prize may be used at the convenience of the laureate.

Laureates receive their prize in a single payment by bank transfer to a euro bank account before 31 March of the year of award.


Laureates undertake to :

– participate to the prize-giving ceremony (date to be specified)

– inform the Foundation of the results of their research (thesis defence, publications) by sending a message to

– indicate in the publication of their work the support of the Fondation des Treilles and, in the case of a book, indicate the following formula:

“The Fondation des Treilles, created by Anne Gruner-Schlumberger, aims to foster dialogue between the sciences and the arts in order to advance creation and research. It welcomes researchers and creators to its estate in Les Treilles (Var) “

– in case of publication of a book, send a copy to :

Fondation des Treilles – Prix Jeune Chercheur – 705 chemin des Treilles – 83690 Tourtour



The jury for the “Young Researcher” prize consists of the members of the Scientific Council of the Fondation des Treilles. It meets in February or March of each year. Its decisions are communicated no later than 31 March of the year of award.

The jury’s decisions are sovereign. Files’evaluations are not communicated. 


To apply to the Fondation des Treilles Young Researcher Award, please fill in the form below (available during the application period) after having read the application procedures.

After filling in the form, do not forget to send your application by electronic means.

Incomplete applications or those received after the deadline will not be considered (please check the application deadlines)