February 2022
Rhythm : Human rhythms, world rhythms – organized by Robert Kopp
From the ticking of clocks to the breaking of waves, the wheels of a train passing over the joints of the rails and the beating of our hearts, rhythm is everywhere. It structures time and space, imprints its law on the universe, on the living world, on artistic creation. Unless it is from its angle that our perceptions operate. “Rhythm is not a measure, said Octavio Paz, it is a vision of the world”. Since the problem of rhythm arises just as much for those who study Greek tragedy as for those who study the drawings of Paul Klee, for those who analyze the movement of the planets and for those who want to master the rhythm of the heart, it seemed interesting to begin by crossing the definitions given to rhythm by the most varied disciplines: medicine, psychology, linguistics, history, astrophysics, musicology, art history, philosophy, choreography, architecture, etc., etc. The subject is immense, which is why the axis chosen is that of the perception of rhythm.
Residential studies
Linguistics – Languages in contact – organized by Xu Song
In collaboration with the University of Hong Kong, this project will be the first large-scale investigation of the linguistic typology of the Sinitic languages in northern and northwestern China. It aims to explore the typological characteristics of the languages and dialects that are practiced there, in a double perspective, diachronic and typological, also favoring contact linguistics. It aims to broaden the horizons of Sinitic language research beyond standard Mandarin to examine the main parameters of the grammatical composition of the linguistic taxon concerning the neighboring language families of East and North Asia. It will lead to the writing of a book. This project is part of a larger research operation under a European Research Council project.
The Fondation de l’Hermitage in Lausanne is currently hosting Switzerland’s first exhibition featuring a selection of the greatest masterpieces from the Fondation des Treilles. You can go and visit it until the 29th of May. [Learn more]
Until the 28th of February, come and discover the photographic collection of the Fondation des Treilles at the Maison de la Photographie in Toulon. [Learn more]
Exhibition of the 2020 Photography Prize laureates.
From February 2nd, and for the second consecutive year, the 3 winners of the “Residence for Photography” Prize who stayed at the Fondation des Treilles in 2021 will unveil their work in the photographic space of Initial Labo in Paris. [Learn more]