March 2023
Seminars and residential studies
Women’s Europe : from caves to the enlightenment age – Seminar organized by Sophie Lalanne from March 13 to 18.
“L’Europe des femmes” is a collective enterprise born within the Mnémosyne association. The aim is to make accessible to a wide public the historical documents which make it possible to write the history of women through the centuries.
Ruins, contemporary issues – Seminar organized by François-René Martin, Alain Schnapp and Sylvie Ramon from March 27 to April 1
This seminar aims to summarize various ongoing projects and to prepare a major exhibition to be held or 2023 at the Museum of Fine Arts and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Lyon.
Treaty of astronomy – Small residential study by Vincent Jullien, from March 27 to April 1.
The Aristarchus of Roberval, published in 1644, is a treatise presented as the anonymous translation, into Latin, of a text by Aristarchus of Samos transmitted by an Arabic manuscript. Roberval is a competent technician in the recording and processing of observation data and astronomical calculations. Thanks to a telescope, he will take new measurements on the sun, will write observations on the eclipses of Venus by the Moon, and will calculate the height of the meridian of the pole star.
Author’s residency`
Sylvie Doizelet in residence in March and April
Since the publication in 1996 of the portrait of Sylvia Plath, La terre des morts est lointaine (The land of the dead is far away), Sylvie Doizelet has regularly written essays or worked on an author. However, she feels above all as a novelist. On the occasion of her writing residency, she wishes to write a novel called Le Rendez-vous.
The sheep of the collection
Château Borely in Marseilles welcomes François-Xavier Lalanne’s sheep until March 12, 2023.
Anne Gruner Schlumberger (1905 – 1993) was one of the first collectors to acquire François-Xavier Lalanne’s “Pour Polyphème” set for her Treilles estate in Tourtour [find out more more].
Château Borély, Musée des Arts décoratifs, de la Faïence et de la Mode 132 avenue Clot Bey, 13008 Marseille.