February 2020
In February, the seminar season gets back on track, with a lot of new topics and interesting meetings planned this year. Keep yourself updated about the Foundation’s programme by subscribing to our newsletter.
FSER Seminar : Comparative morphogenesis of plants and animals: the role of mechanical signals
Organized by Olivier Hamant from 17 to 22 February.
This seminar will bring together experts in biology, with the dual objective of highlighting morphogenetic concepts conserved between plants and animals, and to offer constructive views on the edition of a book on mechanical signals, coordinated by Thomas Lecuit and Olivier Hamant (to be published in 2021).
Upcoming Treilles Meetings at the Musée d’Orsay in Paris
On the occasion of the release of André Gide and the painters. Unpublished letters in the series “Les inédits des Treilles” (Unpublished works from the Fondation des Treilles, the NRF notebooks collection), the foundation is organizing, in partnership with the Musée d’Orsay, Gallimard and the Louvre School, a round table on February 13, 2020 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Paris Orsay Museum [find out more]