Histoire de provence D. Laugé

Author’s Residency – Terms and conditions of participation

  -    -  Author’s Residency – Terms and conditions of participation

1. Duration and period of stay at the Treilles domain

The duration of the Laureate stay, from 2 to 8 months, is fixed by the jury.

The stay must obligatory take place in the opening period of the foundation to seminars, from March to November, with an interruption in August. The scope of the period may vary according to the seminars annual programming.

Your actual dates of stay are fixed in agreement with the management of the foundation.

2. Prize payment

The amount of the price is 2,650 euros monthly, is prorated according to the days of actual presence on the estate. To do this, the laureate signs an attendance sheet at the end of each month that triggers the payment. The calculation of the days giving rise to the payment of the price is available on request.

3. Travel and Refund

The closest train station and airport to the foundation are: Les Arcs-Draguignan station and Nice airport.

For a resident stay, a single return trip (based on the rates below) and transfer by taxi are supported by the foundation. Additional travels are to be paid by the resident.

Paris : 150 €            France outside Paris (depending on distance) : 50€ – 200€              Europe : 250€

4. Daily life 

The resident has a home, called the “Petite Maison” (Little House), including a large room, a kitchen and a bathroom. The “Petite Maison” is equipped with a telephone, a desk, a Mac computer, a printer, and an internet connection. In case of deterioration of equipment, the corresponding costs are borne by the resident.

You have access to the library of the “Grande Maison”, where the seminars take place. The library is fit with computer and office equipment.

Breakfast and lunch are taken in the accommodation. Evening meals are shared with seminar guests at the Grande Maison. When there is no seminar, the evening meal is taken in your accommodation.

Cleaning and change of linen are provided by the foundation staff once a week. Personal laundry is under your responsibility, and you can use the “Laundry”located near the “Pool House”.

In case of occasional absences during your stay, it is necessary to inform the reception desk at least 7 days in advance to allow better management of services (cooking, cleaning, guarding, library, taxi … ).

The Treilles domain offers beautiful walks. A swimming pool (not heated), a tennis court and a bicycle are at the disposal of the boarder.

For information, the Foundation is also a cultivation land whose teams are brought to intervene regularly on the field. Despite all their discretion, it can be a bit noisy at times.

5. Receiving and sending mail

The following postal address can be used to receive mail: Fondation des Treilles, 705 chemin des Treilles, 83690 Tourtour.

The mail departure is done every day at noon at the secretariat. The mail can also be deposited at the library of the Grande Maison, for a departure the next day. Stamping is at your charge.

6. Visitors

The Treilles domaine is private and therefore not open to the public.

Your spouse/companion can be allowed to stay in the Treilles for short periods, in agreement with the management. The reception desk must be notified at least 7 days in advance. A contribution to the expenses of stay will be asked: 30 € / day.

On the other hand, children, even adults, or other family members, friends, etc., are not admitted to the foundation. Neither are pets.

7. Vehicle

The estate is isolated, 4 and 8 km from the nearest villages. So it is recommended to come with your own vehicle. Otherwise, the foundation can lend you cars for € 240 / month within the limit of 400 km (every additional km will be charged € 0.30). The fuel costs as well as any damage caused to the car (within the limit of the excess) are at your charge.

8. Link with the other activities of the foundation

A summarized biography is requested before arrival. It will be put on the website and posted at the library. You are requested to mention your prize on your personal web page with a link to the Treilles Foundation website.

If you wish, exceptionally, to attend part of a seminar, a request must be made to the seminars reception, which will contact the organizer. Under the same conditions, you can propose to make a presentation on your work.

9. Respect of the people and places

The entire staff of the foundation ensures the well being and smooth running of its guests stay. In return, it is requested to observe the basic rules of courtesy and respect (dress code, state of the house …). Finally, questions or problems that may arise must be submitted to the secretary office who will answer them, with the Management assent.

10. Commitments towards the foundation following your stay 

  • To submit a short report (1 to 3 pages) describing your work experience at the Treilles and in your missions abroad, maximum two months after the end of your stay.
  • To keep the foundation informed of the planned release date for the work you have performed.
  • To specify in your book (for example in the form of a footnote): “The Fondation des Treilles, created by Anne Gruner Schlumberger, aims in particular at opening and nurturing the dialogue between science and the arts in order to advance contemporary creation and research. It also welcomes researchers, writers and artists photographers in the Treilles domain (South of France)
  • When published, to give 5 copies of the book you made during your stay at Les Treilles.


Taking part in the Author’s Residency Prize of the Foundation of the Treilles is worth acceptance of the present regulation. Non-respect of it is likely to question the duration of your stay and, consequently, the payment of your prize.